Day 4 was a little delayed do to internet connection issues. I uploaded all of the remaining photos while we were riding this morning. Technology is so good. I can do so much on my bike while riding.
So Day 5 started out at 7am beautiful morning cool and again very light traffic and no large log trucks.....we wind our way up the next pass having a great time. Racing corner to corner, half an hour into the ride and... We come across a couple of motorcycle cops telling us to slow down because 600 bikes are coming up the hill....nice we get to see a (what we thought was a motorcycle race first hand)....wrong a pedal bike race with lots of sweaty people taking up the whole road. I guess they thought we should pull over and watch. Nope we pushed on and took photos. There were some interesting corners were we did not give...we held our lane and they bunched up fast. Really a race early in the morning when we want peace and quiet. We passed a few cars on the way down, what are they supposed to do, park and watch until the last slow guy finally gets by? Pictures posted
We then headed through another wonderfull French village and back up yet another pass. We get to the top and a guy was setting up his homemade bread and cured meat stand. It was about 9am and we purchased some very dirty dried meat and 1 kilo of bread. I wish he had smaller samples we could have tried more. As it was we purchased 40 euros worth and sat there and had breakfast and with cappochinos. Great view and dirty food. Pictures posted. In the little cafe where we got the coffee there were walls of photos. We were about to ride the world famous Monte Carlo Rally circuit. They had old photos of cars and celebrity's. Looks like they run this route summer and winter.
On the way down we came upon 3 lamborghinis and a ferrari racing up the hill. Remember how I said the roads have been very narrow. My face was shocked. I love the sound of the bikes and that what I thought I heard. I don't think I want to ever hit one of these knife cars headon. Thank god their front bumpers are very low. We cleared the rear bags by a small margin ...and would have hit if it would have been a normal car...but then it would have been narrower and slower...oh well it was a fun close
Also I think we finally got some of the elusive pictures of the twisty roads. There are so may trees covering the roads you can never get the photo you want. We thought maybe we should just take a photo of the GPS. Pictures posted
Now we hit the naked beaches of France. Every time I saw any water on the trip I would call out on the headset...naked people..waiting for Paul wreck...I know but it is funny. When we hit the beaches there was so much traffic and and pedestrians we really had to dodge and weave. I started following the other bikes that did not stop with traffic. It got pretty entertaining when a green van decided to push me to the right into another car. Paul was now laughing at me....I got him back...I stood up and karate kicked him in the front fender and left him in the dust. Too bad he is so wide and slow. Ha ha ha
We decided to end the day in Verona, Italy. I guess some famous love story was based here. Something about a block wall...I think it was when Harry met Sally. We are now walking to the old town...I could have sworn I had lunch where Harry met Sally in New York...Kat's Delli. Oh well history is beyond me. I want to go back to the alps and run the curves...tomorrow off to Venice on the bikes...hope they float.