<p>I have come across many cattle and deer while riding in the United States. Vietnam is very different in that the animals are very calm....unless a truck hits one of them and sends the rest of the herd running across the road.</p>
<p>Today I hit a cow (calf) or it hit me....the 200lb calf darted across the narrow street just after an oncoming semi truck went off the road just missing the mother cow. The calf started running and jumping toward me as I was moving further to the right trying to avoid the impossible. The calf t-boned me and my knee sent the calf spinning behind me while robot and chubby were laughing in my ears. They were hysterical, telling me the calf was spinning so fast it ran off all confused in the wrong direction. We may have a video, if it is not foggy from the humidity. If we find it we will try and post it.</p>
<p>We did find some good videos that were not foggy, but they are not for the weak hearted...lol</p>
<p>I pass a lot on the right side in the mud and dirt on the side of the road. One time I passed a bus full of locals, really moving along. I go flying by and stop at the door just as a guy decides to step to the open door to have a smoke break while in transit....his face was priceless when he turned and saw me inches from him. Then he looked down at my path I had to take to finish my pass. It was a narrowing mud strip to a parked moped....videos to come.
Posted by keith....traffic police
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